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    Establishment Of CHERI at YCCECE


    19 Mar, 2024

    13 : 27

    • We are thrilled to announce the establishment of the Chor Hang Educational Research Institute (CHERI) at YCCECE.


      Established in the spirit and honour of our founder, Madam Tsang Chor Hang, CHERI was founded in 2016 as a member of the Yew Chung Education Foundation (YCEF).  Thanks to the generous donation from China Education Development (Investment & Management) Co Limited, CHERI joins our ground-breaking Mengxue Institute as the College's second research centre in 2024.


      Led by Professor SHI Ping, Director of CHERI and Head of YCCECE’s Mainland Development Office, together with a team of six senior researchers, CHERI is dedicated to fostering innovation, collaboration, and professional growth in education. With a focus on high-quality early childhood education, CHERI aims to drive impactful research and initiatives in this rapidly evolving field.