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    Student Heidi Thanks Teacher Via Radio Broadcast


    13 Mar, 2024

    06 : 42

    • Our student, Ms. Heidi Chan, recently had an illuminating interview with RTHK 5 for the Heart to Class programme on 13 March 2024. 


      Heidi, currently in her third year of studying BEdECE, had the opportunity to share her inspiring journey and the motivations behind choosing the field of ECE. She expressed heartfelt gratitude to her dedicated teacher, who continuously encouraged her to pursue her studies and follow her passion. 


      Heidi embraced this interview opportunity, she mentioned that while she initially had concerns about her Cantonese proficiency, she found solace in the welcoming and inclusive international learning environment provided by YCCECE. This supportive atmosphere not only helped her improve her language skills but also enabled her to broaden her circle of friends and expand her horizons. 


      We are incredibly proud of Heidi's determination to shape her destiny. Her story serves as a shining example to all aspiring students, highlighting the transformative power of education and the endless possibilities that lie ahead. 


      Let's listen to Heidi's sharing.