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    YCCECE is proud to take part in the YCYW’s Inaugural International Education Symposium


    02 Mar, 2024

    20 : 18

    • YCCECE is proud to take part in the YCYW’s Inaugural International Education Symposium, together with global thought leaders to forge the blueprint for the future of education.


      On 1 - 2 Mar, the symposium in Shanghai brought together global thought leaders and attracted more than 10,000 participants from around the world to explore the direction and challenges of future education. There were 2 keynote speeches, 5 guest lectures, and 20 professional workshops. Topics spanned YCYW's forward-looking educational models, early childhood education, and astronomy education, all of which were warmly received by the participants.


      YCCECE leaders and scholars attended and exchanged expertise. Professor Ping Shi, Director of Chor Hang Educational Research Institute (CHERI) of YCCECE, has shared the development of the “Chinese Kindergarten Quality Rating Scale”, a research project to promote child-centred ECE quality evaluation.


      A workshop on “New Mengxue for the 21st Century-YCCECE” was conducted by Dr Ching Hui, director of Mengxue Institute and Ms Hui Min Tao from CHERI. Dr Brad Chan and Ms Ruoyu Wen shared their work in the “Igniting STEM Spark in Early Education: Overcoming Teacher Confidence Barriers with JumpStarter’s Award-Winning Approach.”



    • Ms Chen Ying, Vice District Mayor of Changning District People's Government, Zhang Min, Deputy Director of the Education Bureau of Changning District received a token of appreciation from Dr Betty Chan

    • Key note speech by Professor Zhang Min-xuan is Director of the UNESCO Teacher Education Centre; Director of the International Education Research Institute, Ministry of Education, China; and Director of the Centre for Comparative Education, The Chinese Society of Education.

    • Lecture by Professor Ping Shi

    • Mengxue workshop by Dr Ching HUI

    • Workshop on STEM in ECE conducted by Dr Brad Chan and Ms Rouyu Wen