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    YCCECE President Welcomes the 2024-25 Budget Speech


    29 Feb, 2024

    18 : 46

    • Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education (YCCECE) President welcomes the measures proposed in the 2024-25 Budget Speech to support quality education and nurture and attract high calibres.


      President Professor Allan Yuen welcomed the various government measures, including allocating funds to enhance the promotion of students' understanding of Chinese culture from an early age and allowing kindergartens to organize more diverse school-based activities related to Chinese culture. The increased fund and enhanced scope for "Teacher Professional Development Subsidy" further improves the capacity and professional development of kindergarten teachers. This may allow the exchange of activities with mainland kindergartens or sharing good practices, promoting collaboration among kindergartens, and improving the quality of kindergarten education. Professor Yuen believes that these measures can enhance the nurturing of early childhood education talents.


      Professor Yuen said, “YCCECE has always been committed to providing quality education, nurturing professionals in early childhood education, advocating industry development and reform. In the future, we will actively cooperate with the government and various sectors of society, fully exert YCCECE’s expertise in early childhood education, provide higher quality and more diverse education, and contribute to the development of the country and Hong Kong."