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    YCCECE Signs Cooperation Agreement with Sichuan Changiang Vocational College


    23 Feb, 2024

    21 : 23

    • On 23 February 2024, Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education (YCCECE) and Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College signed a cooperation agreement. Mr. Han Hu, President and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College, led a delegation of college leaders and administrative staff to visit YCCECE. During the visit, both parties exchanged academic views and confirmed their cooperation.


      Last September, YCCECE joined the Sichuan-Hong Kong Vocational and Applied Education Alliance, which brings together 19 colleges and universities from the Sichuan-Hong Kong region. The alliance aims to integrate higher education, vocational education, and enterprise resources.


      Dr. Frank Lam, Vice President of YCCECE, and other school leaders warmly welcomed the delegation and showcased the College's living lab, the Pamela Peck Discovery Space. This research and training facility includes real-life setups such as a clinic, an MTR train compartment, and a supermarket. In addition to indoor and outdoor play spaces, the lab is specially designed for parents and children from newborn to age 8. Registered early childhood education (ECE) teachers provide professional advice to parents and children attending the lab. College students can observe and analyze play-based learning pedagogy through their experiences and practice in this lab.


      Dr. Frank Lam emphasized in his welcome speech that as the first and only specialist ECE degree-awarding institution in Asia, YCCECE is dedicated to nurturing early childhood education professionals who are passionate about innovative teaching in Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region. He expressed the hope that the two colleges would cultivate outstanding talents with a global perspective and cross-cultural communication abilities through academic exchange and cultural collaboration. This would contribute to promoting educational cooperation between Sichuan and Hong Kong.


      Mr. Han Hu, President and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College, looked forward to cooperation starting with short-term goals, such as prompt exchange between students and teachers. From a long-term perspective, he hoped that both parties would collaborate closely on research study and application. By integrating educational resources, they would establish communication systems between universities in both regions, promoting collaborative construction, sharing, and mutual benefit among universities in Sichuan and Hong Kong through this signed cooperation agreement.


      Following the meeting, the two colleges officially signed the cooperation agreement. This agreement opens the way for both parties to leverage each other's strengths in Sichuan-Hong Kong vocational education resources, including cross-border visits, academic cooperation, scientific research collaboration, and resource sharing.