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    Expert Sharing on Professional Development, Evidence-based Practices and Child Outcomes


    14 Apr, 2024

    22 : 01

    • University of Wollongong Professor Cathrine Nielsen-Hewett shared with us on 10 April 2024 her views and recent efforts in Professional Development (PD) for teachers in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC). Her talk has drawn on examples and sharing of teachers from her successful programme named the FEEL (Fostering Effective Early Learning) in New South Wales, Australia, showing that effective PD programmes have a significant impact on improving the quality of teaching and enhancing children's developmental outcomes. 


      In the sharing, Prof Nielsen-Hewett has shown us what are the necessities to ensure quality practice and children’s learning and development. She has concluded with a "fried rice analogy" for the key recipe for an effective PD programme: With the key components as the basis for quality PD training on educator pedagogy and practice, it is also important to identify the needs of the teachers and the issue to address, and facilitate teachers to transform their new levels of understanding into skillful, sustainable practice and professional growth.